Weekly Round Up 12/19

So, I’m doing this Thursday, because holiday stuff is kicking now, and we’ll be with Aaron’s family tomorrow, my family on Saturday, then I have to make Christmas gifts on Sunday and Monday, and then MORE family stuff, and then… anyway, I figured I’d get this out of the way.

On Sunday, I wrote 8K on Rough Edges.

On Monday, I wrote 9K and finished the book. It was supposed to take until Tuesday, but the darned thing went short and decided to be done at 87K. I may see if things need added to it. I’m not sure.

The rest of week, I’ve been working on;

-planning/outlining Sloane, which isn’t as far along as I would have liked. Unfortunately, my creative brain has simply not been pulsing stuff out at me, so I’ve only got some basic kinds of ideas about the book, but it’s starting to shape up, and I’ll definitely be able to get it out on schedule (which is end of January/beginning of February). Earlier would, obviously, be better. We shall see.

-New covers for the Helicon books, getting Dancing Days into Scrivener, and making paperbacks of those books

-Making a compiled ebook of Elegy Flynn, with an added afterword that ties up some of the loose ends. I published that to Amazon and Smashwords earlier today, so that should be up and ready to go within a day or so. I’m going to post the afterword to the site and update the Elegy Flynn links to reflect that, so if you’ve been wondering some stuff about Elegy Flynn, that is coming.

I think I’m going to spend the rest of the evening doing a read of Rough Edges. It’s been a few days, and I’ve got some distance. Plus, that sounds easier than trying to figure out what the heck happens in Sloane.

Won’t post anything else until after the holiday, so if you celebrate Christmas, then have a merry one! And if not, at least be celebratory about the fact that the darkest day of the year is coming, and then it’s all uphill from here. More light! More light! (Which is the whole reason Christmas gets celebrated in December anyway. Humans have always celebrated at the winter solstice. We need each other in the dark. And if you happen to live on the other hemisphere, well, then… you suck, because it’s summer there. And if you live on the equator, well… you’re just really freaking lucky, aren’t you? 🙂 )